Main Content

Video: The Lanczos iteration is a method for quickly getting the largest and smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix (the matrix in this example is 228×228, with λmax = 3, and λmin = -1/4.

Notes and Resources...

are linked from the schedule.

Canvas LMS (Since Spring 2020)

This course will use the Canvas Learning Management System instead of Blackboard as part of an exploratory process this semester. At the end of the semester we look forward to hearing your feedback on your experience using Canvas. To access your course log in at, and sign in using your SDSU ID.

The information / calendar / deadlines on Canvas officially "defines" the course any given semester.

Note: All Canvas notifications will be delivered to your SDSU email address. You can add additional email addresses and sign up for Text/Mobile app notifications via the settings in your Canvas Profile and then adjust your notifications in the Notifications Tab. Canvas notifications are system wide and cannot be adjusted by course. Click here to view a step-by-step guide on How to Add Additional Notification and Contact Methods.

You are responsible for adjusting your notification settings in such a way that you receive ALL announcements regarding this class.

If you have technical issues with Canvas, please contact the SDSU Canvas 24/7 support line at 619.483.0632.

Catalog description

Vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, normal forms for complex matrices, positive definite matrices, and congruence.


Students with Abilities, Seeking Success:

If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact the Student Ability Success Center at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Ability Success Center as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Ability Success Center. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Student Privacy and Intellectual Property:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) mandates the protection of student information, including contact information, grades, and graded assignments. I will not post grades or leave graded assignments in public places. Students will be notified at the time of an assignment if copies of student work will be retained beyond the end of the semester or used as examples for future students or the wider public. Students maintain intellectual property rights to work products they create as part of this course unless they are formally notified otherwise.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Students are encouraged to study together, and to work together to solve exercises. Finals, Midterms, Quizzes, Project, and other designated "individual work" activities must be completed without assistance. All violations will be reported to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilites and will also result in score/grade reductions at the professor's discretion. Please review SDSU's full policy on academic honesty.

Religious observances:

According to the University Policy File, students should notify the instructors of affected courses of planned absences for religious observances by the end of the second week of classes.

Required Text and Reading Materials:

Linear Algebra Done Right, 3rd Edition (2015), Sheldon Axler, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer International Publishing

Class web page [], and handouts.

Course Outline (as of 1/19/2021):

Axler: Chapters 1–8..


Peter Blomgren
blomgren AT sdsu DOT edu
Class hours: (see Canvas)
Office hours: (see Canvas)