Main Content
Expectations and Policies (non-exhaustive)
- When you come to class:
- Please be on time.
- Please pay attention.
- Don't sleep, read the newspaper, check email, etc...
- Please turn off mobile phones.
- Please be courteous to other students and the instructor!
- Abide by university statutes, and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.
- Turn in assignments on time. (The intructor reserves the right not to accept late assignments.)
- The instructor will make special arrangements for students with documented learning disabilities and will try to make accommodations for other unforeseen circumstances, e.g. illness, personal/family crises, etc. in a way that is fair to all students enrolled in the class. Please contact the instructor EARLY regarding special circumstances.
- Students are expected and encouraged to ask questions in class!
- Students are expected and encouraged to make use of office hours! If you cannot make it to the scheduled office hours: contact the instructor to schedule an appointment!
- Missed midterm exams: Don't miss exams! The instructor reserves the right to schedule make-up exams, make such exams oral presentation, and/or base the grade solely on other work (including the final exam).
- Missed final exam: Don't miss the final! Contact the instructor ASAP or a grade of incomplete or F will be assigned.
- Academic honesty: submit your own work —
but feel free to discuss homework with other students in the
- The following Honesty Pledge must be included
in all programs you submit (as part of homework and/or projects):
I, (your name), pledge that this program is completely my own work, and that I did not take, borrow or steal code from any other person, and that I did not allow any other person to use, have, borrow or steal portions of my code. I understand that if I violate this honesty pledge, I am subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the appropriate sections of the San Diego State University Policies.
- Larger reports must contain the following text
I, (your name), pledge that this report is completely my own work, and that I did not take, borrow or steal any portions from any other person. Any and all references I used are clearly cited in the text. I understand that if I violate this honesty pledge, I am subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the appropriate sections of the San Diego State University Policies. Your signature
- The following Honesty Pledge must be included
in all programs you submit (as part of homework and/or projects):