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[New Fall 2019] Labs / Demonstration — Development Stalled Due to Covid-19

In an effort to give you another point of view of the material, the development of online "labs" and/or "demonstrations" has started. Since python is the computer language du jour, that is the choice. Everything is presented in terms of jupyter notebooks.

How Much is THIS going to cost??? — the python language itself, and the jupyter notebook environment can be downloaded and installed for the staggering cost of $0 (with a full money-back guarantee). Python, pip, anaconda (needed to install Juypyter), and Jupyter are available for {Linux, Windows, MacOSX}

Wait. What? I have to download and install stuff?!? C'mon, maaaaaan, this is a MATH class — R.E.L.A.X., there are multiple options for viewing and running the notebooks online, aka "in the cloud" (aka "on somebody elses hardware")

Currently Available Labs / Demonstration

Static Views (not interactive, no download/software necessary)


Source Link (for Download, then upload to colab/mybinder)
