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Notes and Resources...
are linked from the schedule.
Catalog description
Solution of equations of one variable, direct methods in numerical linear algebra, least squares approximation, interpolation and uniform approximation, quadrature.
Prerequisites- 1. CS 106 or CS 107 or CS 205 or ENGR 120
- 2. MATH 254 or MATH 342A
Computational Resources:
You must have access to a somewhat modern version of Matlab, or some other computational environment that you are comfortable using. Class accounts for the labs will be available. You can also use SDSU's Rohan Sun Enterprise system or another capable system. [How to open a ROHAN account].
Required Text and Reading Materials:
Numerical Analysis, 9th Edition. Richard L Burden and J Douglas Faires, Brooks/Cole, ISBN 0-538-73351-9. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, (6,) 8. You may want to consider the paperback edition []
Class web page [], and handouts.
Course Outline (as of 8/5/2014):
Burden/Faires: 1-Mathematical Preliminaries and
Error Analysis, 2-Solutions of Equations in One Variable,
3-Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation, 4-Numerical
Differentiation and Integration, 6-Direct Methods for Solving Linear
Systems, 8-Approximation Theory.
[To Be Revised]
Peter Blomgren
blomgren DOT peter AT gmail DOT com
Class hours: TuTh 2:00p – 3:15p, AH-3177
Office hours: TuTh 3:30p – 5:00p, GMCS-587,
and by appointment.