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Homework and Lecture Resources
This is a collection of resources needed for homework assignments and/or which recreate some of the examples in lectures.
Homework #5 (Resources)- 1. spline_skeleton.m, this **partial** code will guide you to the solution of this assignment — "just" fill in the missing pieces!
a solver for tri-diagonal systems. --- function
T must be in compact form: the sub-diagonal elements in the first column, the diagonal in the second column, and the super-diagonal in the third column. - 3. evalspline.m
- 4. duckdata.mat --- The data from the table (in matlab format) ("load duckdata" to import).
- matlab format: hw08data_matlab.mat
- ascii format: hw08data_matlab.ascii
- matlab format: hw08data2.mat
- ascii format: hw08data2.ascii